Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Paying for War

To better elaborate on my side of paying or not paying for a war you believe or do not believe in, here are a couple of things.

Why would anyone who does not support the cause have to be responsible in paying for it? Because supposedly they were protecting us? I understand 9/11 was an important date and incident, yet we should have been keeping our soldiers here and protecting us here. Not miles away.

Now ultimately come tax time or come voting time -- there should be a little box that you check stating whether or not you support the war. If you check yes, then you're taxed a percentage for that cause. There should not be any reason why all of us are taxed or are paying for something we do not agree with.

Nothing has come out of this Iraq war to benefit us, and it has been 10 years.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Who Pays for the War

As we have already heard, the soldiers in Iraq are to be coming home before
the end of the year. I think we are all a little wary of this announcement
by President Obama. The nation has been told this before by George W. Bush.
But does that really mean the war is over? How much did this cost us, as
Americans? For some it isn’t over. For others, it is.

As always, we are going to debate whether or not this war was necessary.
Did it do what they said it was for? No one can really say that it did or
did not; just like they have been for almost 10 years, if not longer.

I have overheard a lot of people talking in cafés or in the street, that
even though some did not want this war, they are paying for it. For if the
war is OURS. We all pay for it whether we agree or not. We pay for everyone
else’s unemployment and welfare, while we are working our butts off to feed
our own families/households.

I do not agree with how we have to pay for this, even if we did not support the reason for the war.