Friday, October 14, 2011

Slim Pickings for the Next Republican Presidential Candidate

It is 2011, which only means that elections are around the corner. Every party is rearing up to put their best candidates on panel and show us, as voters, what they can do. But as a Democratic strategist who also serves as a contributor to CNN, James Carville, let's us know how it is for the Republicans in his latest opinion piece, "Republican Field for 2012 is Pathetic."

I agree with the point of his opinion of what we have coming from the Republicans, which is not a lot compared to the past. Carville takes Romney and compares him to Reagan, and the rest with others, pointing out that the past Republicans were successful. They were competent, decorated veterans, or just down right smart.

For example, comparing Rick Perry to George H. W. Bush – Bush was director of CIA, an entrepreneur, and not only vice president but president. Perry is practically sleeping through debates and speeches.

Carville points out how poorly the newer Republicans stand up to the past. Obama actually might have a shot at re-election. Well maybe.

Ultimately, the pickings are slim and no one is coming up to bat. We are waiting for that right person to help us out of this funk. And we are all just hoping and wishing for our knight or lady in shining armor to rescue us, who actually cares about America’s future.